Now, you may be asking, "What is Bernard Sinoman Family Farm?" That is a good question. I am Bernard Bernbardman the founder of Bernard Sinoman Family Farm and have I got a story to tell you.
It started back in 2014 at Indiana University Kokomo (Yeah, the place from The Beach Boys song) where two young men were about to change the world. That might be a little dramatic, but it is where Bernard Bernbardman and Horace Sinoman first met. It was almost immediately that their synergy was recognized across the world and it was clear that once the time came their coordination would change corporate America forever. The two graduated in late 2018 with business degrees and started planning out their allied financial ventures. However, in mid-2019 tragedy struck. Upon seeing an ad on Craigslist for a 1975 Fuji Ketch Sailboat Horace became intrigued with the idea of becoming a sailor and purchased the boat without inspection. The maiden voyage of Sinoman’s 1975 Fuji “The Cougar” occurred early morning on September 2nd, 2019 out of East Chicago Marina. It was a solo voyage that was supposed to take 5 hours, but after no word was heard from Horace for the better part of two days it was assumed the worst. On September 7th the capsized vessel “The Cougar” was recovered, but Sinoman’s body was never found. After the death of his friend, Bernard hit rock bottom his days consisted of drinking, drinking, hard drugs, and more drinking. However, in June 2020, after being accosted by a homeless man who told him, “Here lies one whose name was writ in water,” which didn’t mean anything, but made him think of how disappointed Sinoman would be in his lack of business venture. Shortly after Bernard founded Bernard Sinoman Family Farm with the name to commemorate his late friend and the once in a lifetime corporate synergy that the two exerted.
Now what does this company do? I have no idea, but stay tuned to find out!